Valnir Rok Wiki
ValnirRok Leader01

A troop of warriors

Player characters represent vikings washed up on the shores of Valnir Island. With no ties to the past and no set future, they can accomplish anything and everything, if they put in enough effort. One of the major features of Valnir Rok is that each character has exactly the same base stats, differing primarily in the gear they carry and the skills of the players controlling their avatars. As such, you can only improve your character's performance by getting new and better pieces of equipment. For example, inventory is increased by attaching a new bag or crafting a backpack.

If a player character dies, they can respawn on the shore where they started, minus gear they carried beforehand. Each server can only support one character per player, with the intention being that the players get to know each other that way.

Player archetypes[ | ]

The developers suggest a number of roles, including:

  • Ruthless Bounty Hunter: Hunt down other players and claim the bounty that has been put on their heads.
  • Hidden Spy: Infiltrate other clans and provide information to your friends. Annihilate other clans or help clans to become more powerful.
  • Mighty Jarl: Establish a settlement and recruit brothers-in-arms for your clan. Develop and extend your settlement and become the most powerful Jarl of Valnir.
  • Priest or Fanatic Sage: Convert others to your faith and become a prophet and spiritual leader.
  • Master Craftsman: Learn your craft and become a skilful smith, hunter, toolmaker or tailor. Create unique masterpieces and become one of the most valuable members of your clan.
  • Smart Landlord: Be the master of your lands and cultivate your fields and livestock. Become a supplier to the clans and an important trading partner for all players.
  • Wealthy Tradesman: Trade artefacts, weapons, resources and other items to increase your wealth. Decide whether to live as a settlement-bound trader or a traveling salesman.
  • Ruthless Outlaw: Lurk in the wilderness and rob other players. You can sell your ill-gotten booty in the cities.
  • Skilled Ranger: Hunt and explore the vast forests and mythical places. Become familiar with the hidden and winding paths through the undergrowth.
  • Reclusive Hermit: Live a life of seclusion in the depths of a dense forest, or hide away in a remote sanctuary in the mountains. Avoid contact with others and live in harmony with nature.